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Our Stakeholders

We understand the challenges you face in transitioning to climate-smart practices: lack of technology, information, skilled labor, finance, and markets.
Our partner college in your area will coordinate and facilitate action through the hub to improve your access to solutions.
Each CoVE hub actively identifies your climate-smart challenges through ongoing interaction and networking with all stakeholders.
In collaboration with experts, the hub provides support activities to overcome these challenges, including practical training, expert visits, field visits, networking events, and mobile solutions.
Rennies Farms: Greenhouse farmer. To advise on best practises. To provide internships for students.
Manyolo Aquaponics: Information sharing. Best practises as well as showcasing new technology.
​DV Du Toit Boerdery: Vegetable farmer large scale. Share best practises and knowledge. Employ students.
Gabriere Blueberries: Vegetable farmer large scale. Share best practises and knowledge. Employ students.
Labri Farms: Greenhouse farmer. To advise on best practises.
Viking Landbou dienste oesbeskerming: Supplier of agri chemicals. Pest and disease consultation and to share knowledge.
Vegtech: Supplier of greenhouses. To provide internships as well as share knowledge.
Dept of Agri: To share knowledge and to provide the appropriate legislation and guidance. Internships for students.
BGCMA: To share knowledge and expertise as well as providing training to staff as well as emerging farmers.
Kaap Agri: Supplier of agricultural inputs. Providing internship opportunities for students.
Brandwacht Besproeiing: Knowledge expert in irrigation systems. Share information with regards soil and irrigation.
Intelligrow: Supplier of agri chemicals. Pest and disease consultation and to share knowledge. Supplier of agricultural inputs. Providing internship opportunities for students.
JAT Fruit: Large vegetable Pack house and retailer in Worcester area. Share knowledge and guidance. Providing internship opportunities for students.

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Department of Rural, Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR): Share knowledge and provide agricultural advice.
Rance Timber: Share information and knowledge as well as assisting with student placement
Khanya Agricultural Nursery CO-OP: Share knowledge on seedlings as well as assisting with student placement.
Tyume Valley: Share advice on best practices from the perspective of a grain farmer.
Engobozini Primary Agriculture: Share knowledge in the domain of greenhouse horticulture
Rharhabe Kingdom Enterprise: Share knowledge in the domain of crop management.
Juta Farm: Share advice on best practices from the perspective of a grain farmer and assist with student in-service training.
Raymond Mhlaba Development Agency: Involved in skills and development training.
Vegado Village Farm: Share information in the domain of crop farming practices as well as providing advice on marketing.
Mpofu Agricultural Training Centre: Provide expertise and training as well as assist with student placement.

Redsun Raisins: Transformation and Skills development within the raisin Product sector -Entrepreneurship (Cooperative Establishment)
Raisin SA: Transformation and Skills development within the raisin Product sector
​Dept of Agriculture: Agricultural Development within the Matzikama Municipal Region
The Vine Academy: Skills Development within the Agricultural sector: Grape Production
Weskus Meginasie: Mechanical Services and Repairs to farmers Equipment
Wholesale and Retail Seta: Funding of Skills Development of Unemployed youth in the Wholesale and Retail Sector
TETA: Funding of Skills Development of Unemployed youth in the Transport Sector
Dept of Agri: Rural Development - Land Reform
Western Cape Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Development in the Matzikama Region.
Pieter Mentoor Boerdery: Primary Producer.
African Dream Agri-Product: Primary Producer.

Join us in this crucial mission.
Together, we can build a greener, climate-smart, and more prosperous horticultural landscape for South Africa.